
Our Children
Well, everyone on the farm is doing well.  We lost a rooster a while back... not sure what happened, but he was found floating in the horse trough.  I'm not saying anything, but the donkey looked pretty guilty!!! 

Here is a picture of the boys.  They love each other... if you get Flinty out to ride...the donkey goes CRAZY... running along the fence line...kicking up his heels and farting!!! LOL!  What a sight!!!
Here is the lone rooster, Larry...he is definitely a pretty boy!

A new kitty showed up right around Christmas time... he must have been dropped by someone who knows we are suckers for a sweet face... He has turned into a great outside kitty... he and Lily haven't bonded yet...and I doubt they will...but they seem to give each other their space.  Lily has take over the front porch, while Sammy hangs out on the back porch...

Meet Sammy...

Well no blog post would be complete without a picture of Maggie Moo!   She has been such a blessing to our pack!  She is by far the best dog that I have ever had the priveledge to own... I just can't say enought great stuff about her!  Even Jay, the cat person, loves her!

Well, Jay will be mad if I don't post a picture of his boys... so here are the "pampered" children of the family!!!  Jasper and Toby (the big boy).


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